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Members of the local governing body are drawn from parents, school staff and the local community.  They work both with the school and our Academy Trust to oversee the strategic leadership of the school

Who are our Governors?

  • Mr John Miles - Chair of Governors
  • Mr Nik Gardner - Headteacher
  • Mrs Helen Page - Staff Governor
  • Mrs Michelle Byrne - Vice Chair, Co-opted Governor
  • Mr Owain Wynne - Health and Safety Governor
  • Mrs Daisy George - Safeguarding Governor
  • Mrs Hannah George - Parent Governor
  • Mrs Jane Spanner - Foundation Governor
  • Mrs Anna Young - Co-opted Governor
  • Mrs Emma Foster - Clerk to Governors


Meet the Governors

Nik Gardner-Headteacher Governor

I have a wife and four children and have been Headteacher of Winford since 2012.  Prior to that I was Headteacher of another North Somerset School and prior to that I was an infant teacher and Deputy for many years.  I work hard to make our school a place where everyone in it should feel safe and acceptable to just be themselves.   My specialism is art and can often be found taking a group of children for an art lesson…or my other love which is teaching children to become excellent positive reward-based dog educators!  I love our community at Winford and am very proud to be Headteacher here.

Rev. John Miles-Chair of Governors

I am married to Sarah and have a son, Anthony who is in year 9 at Nailsea School. I have been the minister of the Baptist Church in Chew Magna for 6 years and last year assumed responsibility for the chapels in Winford and Blagdon. Before moving to North Somerset, I was minister of Cowes Baptist Church on the Isle of Wight. Previous to that I worked as a water engineer and project manager.

Prior to becoming a governor, I taught Philosophy with year 2 and 6 children in the school, and I have strong connections with the other primary schools in the Chew Valley. I am passionate about education and believe that strong links to the local community are vital in providing our children with an educational experience that will help them to become good citizens.

I am delighted to be a part of the Governing body and want to do all I can to ensure that

Winford Primary school continues to provide a first class education for all it’s pupils.

Re-Appointment Date: May 2024.  

Michelle Byrne - Vice Chair & Co-opted Governor

I am a mother of two children who both attend Winford Primary School. Since my children have attended, I have supported the school as a member of the PTA and regularly read with children in the infant year groups as a volunteer.

Prior to returning to Felton my family and I lived in the USA on both the west and east coasts for work and family commitments.

During my teaching career I taught Design and Technology to students in the UK and Internationally in Malaysia, Kenya and India.  Later in my career I became an International Education Consultant in Saudi Arabi and the United Arab Emirates.  As a consultant my job was to design, develop and deliver teacher training programs in the Pedagogy and Practice of Gifted and Talented teaching and learning for STEM, ICT and English subjects.

I enjoy travelling and sports; to including climbing, skiing, jogging, yoga and going to the gym, many of these I do with my family which makes them even more fun!

Daisy George - Safe Guarding Governor; Parent Governor

Hi, I’m Daisy George. I attended Winford Primary School myself (some 20 years ago) as did several generations of my family before me and have enjoyed seeing how the school has transformed over the years. I now live in Regil with my husband and 2 sons who attend the School and Pre-School. I work in Corporate Governance as an Operations Manager.

I’m delighted to join the Board of Governor’s as a Parent Governor. In this role, I welcome the opportunity to be an advocate for parent’s and carer’s of the children at our school. I fully support the staff and management to achieve their aims and am happy to contribute to the local community.

Anna Young - Co-opted Governor

I’m Anna and I joined the governing body in September 2021 having previously worked at the school as a teacher. I now work as a private tutor, supporting children with English and maths. It’s a role which I love, allowing me to use my skills and experience as a classroom teacher to help individual children to flourish. When I’m not teaching, I can be found creating art, flamenco dancing, directing a local charity or running around after our three daughters and crazy collie dog!

Winford Primary School is a wonderful, supportive school and I’m delighted that I can continue to be a part of the school community in the role of governor with a particular interest in learning.

Hannah George  - Parent Governor

Hi, I am Hannah George. I joined the Board of Governors as a parent governor when my eldest son William was in his reception year. I am delighted to be a member of the board, as in my other world as Deputy Director for the Library, Careers and Inclusivity at UWE Bristol, I know the hugely important role primary education plays in developing our young people to have ongoing success in their future lives. I am passionate about the role that primary (and early years) education can play in terms of helping our young people develop key skills and competencies such as resilience, team working and curiosity that will able them to go on and achieve in later life.

As a parent we chose Winford C of E Primary School as its values align well with those of my family and I am keen to help the school achieve its goals to help children flourish academically, spiritually, personally and emotionally.

Owain Wynne  - Co-Opted Governor

I am Owain and have lived in Winford for around 5 years and have children who attend Winford Primary School. I volunteered to become a governor as I felt that with my back ground in H&S, construction, I have relevant skills that can support the school and keep our children safe.

I currently works for the Diocese of Bath & Wells as the Diocesan Surveyor I am responsibility for the Diocese’s occupied residential assets (homes of the clergy) including circa 250 buildings with a valuation of £62m. We support clergy and their families with accommodation appropriate to their needs and, as far as possible, relieves them of domestic concerns in order that they may concentrate upon their pastoral responsibilities.



Governors Information and meeting attendance