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Safeguarding at Winford

Our school has a duty to promote the welfare of children who are our pupils.  We have a safeguarding policy and procedures in place and we take our responsibilities very seriously.  All staff are safeguarding trained and are constantly vigilant.  Safeguarding covers many areas including child protection, e-safety, the prevent duty, behaviour, attendance, welfare and health and safety.

We work hard to ensure that children are safe from harm and feel respected in school.  We have links to social care, educational welfare and the North Somerset Safeguarding Children Board.

We have dedicated safeguarding leads along with a governor who has a responsibility for safeguarding.  Our pastoral lead is also often involved with these areas. 



First and foremost discuss your concerns with the designated teacher.  They will ask you to record your concerns and they will decide on the next steps necessary.  If you still have concerns, then please continue to report to the designated governor or the Local Area Designated Officer (LADO)

Our Designated Safeguarding lead are:

  • Mr. Nik Gardner (Headteacher)
  • Mrs Kelly Nash (Deputy Safeguarding Lead)

Our designated child protection governor is:

  • Mrs. Michelle Byrne

Local safeguarding officer-NSC 01275 888211

Click below for a link to the School's Safeguarding Policy and the North Somerset Safeguarding Children Board


Please follow the links below for tips around e-safety.

The Prevent Agenda

Please find a link to a government website that supports schools, teachers and parents in pro-actively working with children to respect and tolerate the wide variety of beliefs we have in our society.

Whilst events related to the rise of ISIS and religious extremism tends to dominate the news, extremism and hate crimes take many forms and come from all ends of the political and religious spectrum. The rise of far right extremism and hate crime in general is sadly something we all need to be aware of.

If you have any concerns please speak to Headteacher Mr Gardner.