Winford Primary School PTA
As a parent at our school you are automatically a member of our PTA, whether you wish to take an active part in organising events or being on the committee or simply enjoy and support them with your family.
Our Aim
To advance the education of the pupils of Winford Church of England School by providing and assisting in the provision of facilities for education not normally provided by government funding. We seek to assist with provision of equipment and additional resources for school, along with experiences. Major fundraising events include our popular fayres held at Christmas and in the summer, The Winford community Duck race, Quiz and Curry Nights, Christmas tree sales, discos and the sale of pupil-designed Christmas cards or tea towels.
In the past, we have financially supported projects such as the fixed playground equipment, the playground markings, visits from authors and performers, and funding part of the year 6 leavers event each year.
We are always dependent on help from parents in order to make each event a success. It is also a great way to get to know other parents, and to know that you are raising money to directly help the education of your child!