Year 1- Leopard Class
Welcome to year 1! We are a class of 30 lively children who are all eager to learn. Our class teacher is Mrs Benzie
This year we are working really hard on becoming as independent as we can. Year 1 is a transitional year, from the EYFS curriculum, to preparing for the SATs in year 2. We begin the year with lots of child initiated play opportunities and then move into the more traditional way of working at our tables. Inside our classroom we have our own drawer, locker, carpet space and table space to allow us our own areas for working and developing that independence. We also have lots of play opportunities within our classroom such as our shop, Lego, magnets, dressing up and much more! We are very lucky to have an outdoor space that allows us to work on the learning that takes place inside the classroom, as well as the opportunity to partake in imaginative play.
We learn about a range of subject in year 1. We will cover a new unit each term in each of these subjects:
Phonics, Literacy, Maths, RE, Guided Reading, Science, Geography, ICT, History, PSHE, Art, DT and Music.
We have now become super readers and are so excited about the opportunities that being able to read presents us. We can now learn about non-fiction subjects as well as those much longer text.