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Wider Curriculum


Computing is taught discreetly using our school laptops that can be used across the curriculum. Currently we have a trolley of Ipads which all classes have access to plus a trolley of laptops. E-Safety is also taught to all pupils to ensure they know how to stay safe online.

Link to The Computing Curriculum at Winford

Link to LSP Computing Intent

Link to LSP Computing long term plan

Link to LSP Year 1 - 6 Computing Progression


In PHSE and RHSE we have introduced the Jigsaw scheme of work to supplement our values led work.  This comprehensive scheme covers all aspects of PHSE from friendships to RSE (Relationships and sex education).

Link to PHSE Intent Statement

Link to PHSE Progression and skills

Link to PSHE planning overview

Link to Jigsaw information for parents

Link to RHSE topic and compulsory sessions

Link to RHSE guide for parents

Link to Jigsaw LGBT parent leaflet



In Music, we follow the 'Bristol Music Curriculum- Get on Board'. This curriculum has been developed by Bristol Beacon in consultation with teachers and in partnership with schools. The progressive curriculum builds upon the elements of music, which threads through their learning as children progress through the school. There are many local links made and opportunities to explore music in the local community.

Through these experiences, the children develop their understanding, make musical judgements, apply their new learning, develop their aural memory, express themselves physically, emotionally and through discussion, create their own musical ideas and have opportunities to perform.

Link to Winford Music Intent and Curriculum

Link to Music Overview

Link to Music Medium Plan

Link to LSP Music Intention

Skills and Knowledge Progression Grid

In RE, we use the Discovery RE materials along with the support of the Understanding Christianity materials.

Link to RE Curriculum at Winford School

RE Overview

In MfL, we use an online resource called Language Angels.  Within this, we have opted as a school to use Spanish as our primary MfL.

Link to The Spanish MFL Curriculum

Link to LSP Spanish Intent

Link to Spanish Overview

Link to Spanish Skills and Progression Grid

In Art and DT children are given the opportunity to study a variety of artists and their work. Looking at the work of artists, craft workers and designers helps children make artistic judgements about the quality and usefulness of their creation. Our curriculum is designed to engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design.

Link to Design Technology Curriculum at Winford

Link to Art Long Term Plan

Link to DT long term plan

Link to Art and Design Intent

Link to Art and Design Progression

In Science our curriculum aims to prepare children for the wider world. We strive to ensure that the lessons we deliver the three aims of the science national curriculum so that pupils understand the science and have the skills to engage with the knowledge and recognise where it fits in the wider world.

Link to Science at Winford

Link to LSP Science Intent

Link to the Science Curriculum at Winford

Science Progression of Skills Grid

Science Progression of Knowledge Grid

In Geography we aim to help children develop an awareness of their own immediate surroundings. Gradually, the children are introduced to the world that extends beyond their own locality, at the same time learning important skills such as map reading and knowing how to describe the landscape.  Local field trips support and enhance this work.

Link to the Geography Curriculum at Winford

Link to LSP Geography Intent

Link to Geography Yearly Overview

Link to Geography Skills and Knowledge



In History we provide a high-quality history education to help pupils gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. This inspires pupils’ curiosity to know more about the past and the impact on present day.

Link to History at Winford

Link to Winford History Intent

Link to LSP History Intent

Link to History Yearly Overview

Link to History Skills and Knowledge